Friday, October 8, 2010

Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds

We have the Republicans asking to extend the Bush tax cuts so that they can hire more people. Do we actually believe that? If that were their intentions, why are they soliciting Asian companies, Middle Eastern companies, Russian companies, etc, by telling them that Democrats are trying to create local employment that would jeopardize their chance of getting jobs shipped overseas? Do you see what they are doing? They don’t want the American people to get jobs. The Republicans want to ship the jobs overseas. In one breath they are shipping jobs overseas, and in another breath they are complaining about the high unemployment. The idea is to put people back to work and not shipping jobs overseas. If we leave it up to the Republicans, most unemployed people will not find jobs for a very long time because they are taking money from foreign companies & promising them that jobs will be shipped to them overseas. It goes to show that the Republicans don’t give a crap about unemployed Americans.

How dare the Democrats try to secure jobs for the locals? The audacity of these people, my goodness! Don’t they realize that some of these people have been unemployed for about a year now? Perish the thought that they get a job locally because a Democrat is offering, or making it possible for them to get jobs. Wow, just wow!

Foreign Money Funding Republican Campaigns

Please view the above link for complete article. The Chamber of Commerce is funneling money from foreign countries into attack ads giving people false hope. This is an attack on working families and an attack on democracy. This has to stop. The American people need jobs now. They don’t want their jobs to be shipped overseas. Now we know why the economy is moving in slow motion. It’s because the Republicans are advocating that jobs be shipped overseas for cheap labor.

Do you guys remember what happened not too long ago, the very thing that made it possible for such inhumane behavior? I even blogged about it. Here is the article: Supreme Court Rips Up Campaign Finance Laws.
The 5 judges that ruled in its favor were Republicans. Is anyone surprised?

Speaking of jobs, do you remember the stimulus money that General Motors (GM) received? It seems to be working because GM is planning to reopen a plant, in Michigan, that was shut down. This will provide a few jobs for unemployed workers, and the jobs are staying here in the U.S. They are not being shipped overseas. If the Republicans have their way, they sure would like to make this happen. Read the article here

We need to shut the Republicans down by going out and vote. We cannot have them ship our jobs overseas. Their pledge is to ship jobs overseas.

1 comment:

  1. Successful Jobs program Dies after GOP Blocks:
